Kakato Salmon Tuna For Dog & Cat
Kakato 卡格寵物糧嚴選優質肉類,保證絕無添加任何無必要的成份,保證閣下的愛寵得到健康快樂的生活。
- 肉含量高達 70%
- 選用新鮮、品質上乘、人類食用級數的材料
- 不含人造色素、人工香料、防腐劑、增味劑或任何化學物質
- 健康、可口、美味
- 幫助寵物快速安頓在新的環境中
- 當患厭食症時改善寵物食慾
- 改善手術後或病後恢復期的寵物食慾
- 當添加到他們的常規乾糧時,有助於增加寵物的液體攝入量。 更高的液體攝入量可防止特發性貓下泌尿道疾病。
- 長期減少化學品和防腐劑的攝入量。
** Kakato 卡格所有罐頭均為貓狗共用,家中愛犬愛貓能同時享受 Kakato 卡格罐頭所帶來的美味。
** Kakato卡格 與 Applaws 為同一廠商,宗旨為提供優質的竉物食品。
- Up to 70% meat content
- Made from fresh, premium, human grade ingredients
- No artificial colours, no taste enahancers, no preservatives and no chemicals
- Our fishes are caught ecologically in the natural open waters of the oceans
- Healthy, tasty and delicious
- Helps pets settle down in a new environment quickly
- Improves pets appetite when suffering from anorexia
- Improves pets appetite during convalescence following surgery or illness
- Helps increase pet’s fluid intake when added to their regular dry food. Higher fluid intake protects against idiopathic feline lower urinary tract disease.
- Reduces Intake of chemicals and preservatives in the long run.
Ingredients 成分
tuna white meat 吞拿魚白肉42%,salmon三文魚28%,polysaccharide gum多醣膠1%,water水29%
Crude Protein粗蛋白(最小):17.5%
Crude Fat粗脂肪(最小):1.0%
Crude Fibe粗纖維(最大):0.5%
Ash 灰質(最大):1.5%
熱量:69 kcal/100g
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